
the STATEMENT// repressionism artist statement

        Repressionism is a conceptual art piece. Conceptual art is a medium that deals in ideas and is more interested in the experienceof art than the visual aspect of it.
        Repressionism is not a random smattering of models. I’ve gathered models to represent traditional, non-traditional, and individual relationships. The models have been blindfolded to keep them from knowing what you and I are projecting onto them. In this way we’re visually and physically representing the idea that we, in these relationships, are blind to the ideas being put on us by society. I’ve chosen permanent markers as well so that we become more careful in what we project and to represent how difficult it is to rid ourselves of these projections.
        More than anything, Repressionism is an exploration of art. What it means to be an artist. What it means to be a viewer. What it means to be a subject. What it means to be art. Repressionism will allow you to experience all of these on many levels. Keep an open mind as you view and interact with the models. Explore your emotions and try to see how you fit into these varied rolls.